If paying by credit card or e-check, please click the button below for the county the payment is intended.
Also, contact the specific county office to provide them with your confirmation number.
Please note:
Credit card payments will incur a $5 convenience fee at checkout.
If making a payment for one of the following, please
follow the instructions below.
FCC Registration/RenewalPlease contact the Provider Management Coordinator for the county and provide your payment confirmation # to ensure the correct account is credited.
CPR/First Aid TrainingPlease submit you completed registration form with you confirmation # written on it.
Parent Repayment AgreementsPlease contact the respective county and provide them with your name, child's name, EPPIC ID, payment amount, and confirmation # to ensure proper credit to your account.
Atlantic County |
Cape May County |
Cumberland County |
If you would like to make an online payment for the following:
If you would like to make an online payment for the following:
If you would like to make an online payment for the following:
Salem County
Questions About Online Payments
If you have questions about online payments please contact:
Leslie Addison, CFO
[email protected]
(856) 537-2322 ext. 2619
Leslie Addison, CFO
[email protected]
(856) 537-2322 ext. 2619