Rutgers Southern Regional CCR&R
Marianna Finamore, Director: 856-537-2322
Kelly Iacono, Associate Director: 856-537-2322
Dr. Ingrid Campbell, PD & Quality Manager: 856-537-2322
Dr. Cheryl Chavis, Trainer: 856-537-2322
Beverly Ramos, Trainer: 856-537-2322
Cristine Dell-Priscoli, Trainer: 856-537-2322
Leslie Addison, Chief Financial Officer: 856-537-2322
William Fuller, Business Assistant I: 856-537-2322
Atlantic County: Christa Loper, Site Manager - 609-365-5027
Cape May County: Christa Loper, Site Manager - 609-898-5500
Cumberland County: Iris McAllister, Site Manager - 856-462-6800
Gloucester County: Rick McGuire, Site Manager - 856-537-2322
Salem County: Rick McGuire, Site Manager - 856-469-6100
Our Commitment
- Ensuring that all families and providers represented in the service delivery area have access to information about childcare such as program eligibility requirements, information on licensing, certification and registration, and the benefits of high quality programs.
- Providing families with written information about the benefits of high-quality programs to assist them in evaluating preschool and childcare environments and in making informed decisions when selecting childcare.
- At a minimum, provide five (5) referrals that match each family's expressed needs and preferences.
- Implementing all reasonable measures (i.e. training, monitoring, quality assurance reviews, etc.) to ensure that the RSRCCR&R staff do not recommend or endorse any particular program or childcare setting.
- Providing additional referrals and resource information for other community services, including but not limited to, health care, insurance, child development and screenings, and other social and supportive services as appropriate (visit the "Helpful Links" on the banner).
The Child Care Referral Process
Quality early care allows families to enter the work force, attain higher levels of education, and develop strong community partnerships. The Rutgers Southern Regional Child Care Resource and Referral Agency will work with regional ECE programs and partners to meet our diverse families' child care needs.
The RSRCCR&R currently interfaces with various southern regional early education centers (includes private, for-profit), Family Child Care (FCC) (five or less children in a registered provider’s home), or Family, Friends, and Neighbor (FFN) providers*. Each program is committed to providing an affordable, safe, healthy, and age-appropriate experience for our region’s children and families.
Quality early care allows families to enter the work force, attain higher levels of education, and develop strong community partnerships. The Rutgers Southern Regional Child Care Resource and Referral Agency will work with regional ECE programs and partners to meet our diverse families' child care needs.
The RSRCCR&R currently interfaces with various southern regional early education centers (includes private, for-profit), Family Child Care (FCC) (five or less children in a registered provider’s home), or Family, Friends, and Neighbor (FFN) providers*. Each program is committed to providing an affordable, safe, healthy, and age-appropriate experience for our region’s children and families.
Making the Most Informed Decision About Quality Care
The New Jersey Department of Human Services/Division of Family Development has developed an informative web site that allows prospective families to review and observe these programs before making a final decision. We encourage our families to use our regional resource and referral agencies to make the best informed decision of quality early childhood care to support their child’s social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth.
The New Jersey Department of Human Services/Division of Family Development has developed an informative web site that allows prospective families to review and observe these programs before making a final decision. We encourage our families to use our regional resource and referral agencies to make the best informed decision of quality early childhood care to support their child’s social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth.