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Connecting NJ is a network of partners and agencies dedicated to helping New Jersey families thrive.
We provide mothers, fathers, grandparents, and guardians free or affordable access to people, organizations, and other sources of information needed to raise healthy children.
Conectamos a las familias de Nueva Jersey (mamás, papás, recién nacidos, adolescentes, adultos jóvenes y abuelos - con los mejores recursos sociales y de salud disponibles en su comunidad.
Ofrecemos a las madres, padres, abuelos y tutores, acceso gratuito o asequible a personas, organizaciones y otras fuentes de información necesarias para criar niños saludables.
Do you need to find resources for yourself or your family? Visit Find Help and simply place your zip code in the box to find amazing resources for medical, social, utility, adult education, respite care, etc., in your community and surrounding areas.
Share with family and friends.
graphic from GoogleImages
Do you need help with your utility bills?/Si no puede pagar sus facturas de servicios públicos, ¡aquí tiene ayuda!
Visit NJ SHARES and find help in your county!
SIDS Information...please share:
The SIDS Center of New Jersey's two minute safe sleep video.
The Rutgers Southern Regional Child Care Resource & Referral Agency is committed to assisting families and ECE professionals gain access to a wealth of support systems to raise healthy and engaged children. The following list will allow families and ECE professionals to quickly access and review New Jersey and national ECE organizations, research-based best practices, and standards that inform and advocate on behalf of our nation's children and families. We will continue to update the site as new partners and organizations are identified.
Family Links
Learn more about the New Jersey Strengthening Families Initiative by visiting: Strengthening Families through Early Care and Education Each county provides support for families. Please visit your respective county's community directory to gain more information regarding services for family support, domestic violence, early childhood, school-linked programs and county welfare agencies. Help is a phone call away. County supports for families Share with your friends and families. |
ECE Professional Development Links
Visit an article from 1-800-Contacts on "7 Warning Signs Your Child May Have a Vision Problem."
Click here for the link.
Click here for the link.