Have you dreamed of owning your own business? Do you love nurturing and caring for children? New Jersey has the tools available to help you become a registered family child care provider, and right from your own home! For more information, visit www.ChildCareNJ.gov or visit our contact page for your home county's phone number.
¿Ha soñado con tener su propio negocio? ¿Disfruta criando y cuidando a los niños? ¡New Jersey tiene las herramientas disponibles para ayudarle a convertirse en un proveedor registrado de cuidado de niños familiar, y directamente desde su propio hogar! Para obtener más información, visite www.ChildCareNJ.gov o visite nuestra página de contacto para obtener el número de teléfono de su condado de origen.
Important Updates
Know Your Rights Materials Know your rights materials are now available from the Office of New Americans for immigrants, refugees, and organizations/businesses. Click here for immigrant and refugee material information in English. Click here for organizations/businesses material information in English. Haga clic aquí para obtener información material para inmigrantes y refugiados en Español. Haga clic aquípara obtener información material sobre organizaciones/empresas en Español.
Upcoming NJ Child Care Assistance Program Parent Meetings Topics of discussion include the new copayment policy and your child care needs (for example non-traditional hours and preschool expansion). Download Flyer Here.
Próximas reuniones de padres del Programa de asistencia para el cuidado infantil de Nueva Jersey Los temas de discusión incluyen la nueva política de copago y sus necesidades de cuidado infantil (por ejemplo, horarios no tradicionales y expansión preescolar). Descargue el Folleto Aquí.
Federal and State regulations require families receiving CCAP assistance to contribute towards the cost of child care by making copayments. Please read the below letters which notifies you that copayments, that were paused during the COVID-19 pandemic, will resume effective July 1, 2024. Parent Letter Provider Letter
The New Jersey Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), supervised by the Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development (DHS/DFD), is interested in your feedback regarding your child care experience. The short survey will only take a couple of minutes to complete. Your response and information are valuable and will help DHS/DFD better determine how to improve services and support for families' child care needs. Click here, to view the flyer. Click hereto complete the survey.
El Programa de Asistencia para el Cuidado de Niños de New Jersey (New Jersey Child Care Assistance Program; CCAP), supervisado por el Departamento de Servicios Humanos, División de Desarrollo Familiar (Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development; DHS/DFD), está interesado en sus comentarios acerca de su experiencia de cuidado de niños. La breve encuesta solo tomará unos minutos en completar. Su respuesta e información son valiosas y ayudarán a DHS/DFD determinar mejor cómo mejorar los servicios y apoyos para el cuidado de niños según las necesidades de familias. Haga clic aquí para ver el folleto. Haga clic aquípara completar la encuesta.
Enrollment Study Form The Department of Human Services/Division of Family Development has a website to help providers with the new Enrollment Study Form. You can view FAQS, user guides, tutorial videos, and attend upcoming TA sessions. Click here to visit the website.
Virtual Quarterly Provider Information Sessions Please register by emailing Marianna Finamore at [email protected]. You may also use this link to register. (Once you register, you will receive an email confirmation with a Zoom link.) These are informational sessions and do not count toward annual training hours in NJCCIS. The following session begins at 6:30pm: TBA Join us to receive updated information on new subsidy policies affecting providers and parents, new quality initiatives, Summer Camp updates, Family Child Care program, Grow New Jersey Kids, Family Engagement and Professional Development trainings.
The Rutgers Southern Regional CCR&R serves as a resource for families to find quality early care and education services within their community, early care and education practitioners to pursue professional advancement at a range of educational levels, early care and education providers to enhance the quality of instruction and learning in their child care centers, policy makers and key community stakeholders to promote and support best educational practices for children ages birth to 8, and foundations and funders to partner for quality investment in early care and education to ensure long-term economic stability.